Magazine B : ARC'TERYX

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這本 B (Brand Documentary Magazine) 旨在介紹全球值得為讀者推薦的品牌故事。這些優良品牌是根據該品牌的經營哲理、美感傳遞、價值定位與實用性等四個評鑑向量所決定的。B 樂於發掘更多市場上能夠造福人群、傳達崇高理想、發揮工匠藝術的企業,深入他們的創意理念,透過實際參訪,瞭解該公司的文化與核心價值。具體認知該公司之所以存在,是不斷地朝向全公司所認同的理想版圖前進,為人群謀求最大的福祉。他山之石可以攻錯,藉由各個不同領域優質企業的成功故事,讓讀者能夠深入思考如何實踐理念的具體過程。       


Arc'teryx, originally named Rock Solid, is a climbing gear label based out of Vancouver, Canada. Dave Lane founded the brand in 1989 in hopes of making better climbing products based on his experience out on the rocks. Renamed in 1991 to Arc'teryx, a stylized abbreviation of Archaeopteryx lithographica, the first known bird, the brand demonstrates its enthusiasm toward evolution in clothing production processes. Since the debut of its signature ergonomic Vapor climbing harness that evenly supports impact load, Arc'teryx has unveiled a series of innovative products like the Alpha SV, a windbreaker with excellent waterproofing technology, pushing the standards of the outdoor apparel to a new level. Furthermore, the brand’s design-focused urban techwear line like Veilance and System_A put the brand on the map with celebrities and members of emerging subcultures.