TWILIGHT - the score (Piano Solo)

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"暮光之城"的電影配樂,是由名配樂大師Carter Burwell量身訂做,其中一幕由愛德華對貝拉彈鋼琴傳情的場景,不僅是許多書迷千呼萬喚、期待看到的場景,也被認為是男女主角感情交流的重點場景,Carter Burwell特別將多年前寫給當時還是女友的妻子,記錄那一段刻骨銘心、甘苦參半的那首愛情樂曲,根據原始版本修改為變調曲後,終於完美落成為的「Bella's Lullaby」。

此外,Carter Burwell亦特地邀請了多位演奏家,如編曲家兼吉他演奏家"David Torn"、首位女性吉他之神的"Kaki King"、鋼琴家"Dave Hartley"、小提琴家 "Ralph De Souza"、"Warren Zielinski"、豎笛家 "Nicholas Bucknall"…等30多位著名演奏家一起演出。本譜將這些配樂改編成為鋼琴獨奏版,適合初級到中級程度。

Based on Stephenie Meyer's popular vampire-romance novels, the movie Twilight is taking huge bites out of box office receipts across the country! Composer Carter Burwell is highly regarded for his scores for the Coen brothers movies. Here are piano solo arrangements of music he composed for this film, including the achingly beautiful “Bella's Lullaby” and ten more pieces


Bella's Lullaby 
Dinner With His Family
Edward At Her Bed 
I Dreamt Of Edward
I Would Be The Meal
In Place Of Someone You Love 
The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb 
Phascination Phase
Stuck Here Like Mom
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