BOWIE TREASURES 1947-2016 (Hardcover)

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在發行了令人驚嘆的新專輯《Blackstar》之後,驟然離世的大衛鮑伊(David Bowie)讓數百萬歌迷感到悲傷。 這套精美珍藏套書完整涵蓋了這位指標性獨特偶像的一切:他的音樂,電影作品,伴侶和生活。 精美的圖文讓您愛不釋手~從音樂會門票到海報,二十種獨特的可抽出的紀念品,帶您宛如再次追隨著鮑伊的超級巨星之旅。 
David Bowie's death – following the release of his stunning new album, Blackstar – eft millions of fans grieving. Packed with photographs, this beautiful and fully updated set covers everything about the iconic figure: his music, film work, partners, and life. Twenty pieces of unique removable memorabilia, from concert tickets to posters, illustrate Bowie's journey to superstardom.