BRAZILIAN PIANO -complete guide +Audio Access

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巴西魅力 森巴與巴莎諾瓦

無論您是鍵盤手的入門或進階者,由作者Robert Willey所編,闡述各種相關巴西風調樂曲的介紹、手法、和絃與技巧。巴西特殊的音樂風格包括:Choro、森巴與巴莎諾瓦等,本書由介紹巴西音樂的律動及和弦的練習為開端,之後加入大量的範例練習,增加熟練度;最後經由眾多巴西知名音樂家的介紹與訪談,將他們的創作實例納入教材中,精采又實用!


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Brazilian Piano teaches elements of some of the most appealing Brazilian musical styles: choro, samba, and bossa nova. It starts with rhythmic training to develop the fundamental groove of Brazilian music. Next, examples build up a rhythmic and harmonic vocabulary that can be used when playing the original songs that follow. Besides providing tracks for the examples in the book, the online audio contains ensemble recordings that allow you to improvise through the middle chorus. Additional versions of the ensemble tunes are included in the online media available through the My Library feature, accessible via computer. Features artist interviews and bios.