LEFT-HANDED GUITAR by Troy Stetina +Audio Access

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附線上音頻網址及連結存取密碼,您可以上網直接聆聽、跟著練習、邊彈邊播放伴奏 ,或存取這些音檔。
請利用樂譜目錄頁所附連結與每本不同的存取密碼(Enter Code)上網聆聽或下載與樂譜搭配的音檔。

你是左撇子嗎?想要學習吉他嗎?這絕對是唯一獨門具開創性的教本。由知名吉他老師Troy Stetina所編,書中收錄了許多特別為左撇子設計的吉他的方法與技巧,利用照片與圖表法解釋,有6線譜與和絃圖示,搖滾、藍調、理論全都包辦。


Attention all Southpaws: it's time to turn your playing around! We're proud to announce that our groundbreaking guitar method solely devoted to lefties is now available with audio tracks! Complete with photos, diagrams and grids designed especially for the left-handed player, this book teaches fundamentals such as: chords, scales, riffs, strumming; rock, blues, fingerpicking and other styles; tuning and theory; reading standard notation and tablature; and much more!

The audio is accessed online using the unique code inside each book and can be streamed or downloaded. The audio files include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.